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When Kweku Adoboli made  unauthorized trades that led to a $2.3 billion loss for UBS in September 2011, shock waves rippled through the boardrooms of financial services companies worldwide. Such a staggering setback on the heels of the financial crisis dealt a severe blow to UBS’s reputation, triggering the resignation of its CEO, Oswald Grübel. Was this a sign that many of the unethical business practices that helped cause the 2008 financial crisis were manifesting themselves again?

After all, in 2008, rogue trader Jerome Kerviel lost a whopping €4.9 billion ($x.x billion) at Société Générale through a series of fraudulent deals. But it’s not just rogue traders that boardrooms are concerned about. Embezzlement, fraud and money laundering can equally damage a company’s reputation and its bottom line. How many other rogue employees are out there committing financial crimes, and exactly whose responsibility is it to make sure that transgressions like these don’t turn into an epidemic?

A September 2011 survey of 600 compliance and anti-money-laundering staff conducted by Dow Jones Risk & Compliance and the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS) underscores the pressures that compliance departments face trying to prevent fraud and money laundering.

According to the survey, 55 percent identified additional regulations and increased enforcement as a key challenge that needed to be met in the coming year, more than 60 percent identified recruiting and training staff as key issues, and more than 40 percent of anti-money-laundering teams were burdened by increased workloads stemming from expansion into new markets.

Rupert de Ruig, managing director of Dow Jones Risk & Compliance, says his survey reveals conflicting information. Over 75 percent of senior managers focus on preventing money laundering and other illegal actions, yet 38 percent of them said compliance departments were understaffed. At a time when banks are under increasing financial pressure to raise capital and trim costs – a trend epitomized by Bank of America’s cutting of 30,000 jobs (10 percent of its staff) – firms are reducing non-revenue-generating areas such as compliance, audit and risk management. When compliance and anti-money-laundering staff are overburdened, undertrained and stretched thin, it creates a climate where lawbreaking and rogue trading can flourish.

Risk cultures can lead to fraud

To a considerable extent, the losses at companies such as UBS and Société Générale stem from the ‘risk culture’ established at these firms, explains John Hull, who teaches risk management at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management.

‘There’s a tendency to turn a blind eye when someone’s making a profit and taking a risk,’ he says. If trading turns into a loss, the culture encourages taking more risks to recoup the money, resulting in a downward spiral, like a gambler in Vegas doubling on his bets. ‘The person is encouraged to double up and eventually a disaster happens,’ Hull says. ‘It’s about the ability to set risk limits.’

Furthermore, the two rogue traders at UBS and Société Générale were insiders who knew how to circumvent internal controls. ‘Both these traders had back office experience,’ Hull says. ‘They knew when internal checks were carried out.’ Hull says board members have told him that ‘directors can’t possibly understand the complex financial transactions’ these traders engage in.

But he insists that boards at financial service firms must choose directors with complex financial know-how, just like insurance companies should select directors who understand underwriting. Board members don’t need to micromanage traders or visit trading floors, but they must be equipped to know ‘the right questions to ask and the key aspects of a risk culture’. Directors must be cognizant and aware of what inside traders do to circumvent rules so that they can ask pointed questions of the audit committee head presenting risk management data.

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